Jan 31, 2012

Sincerely Scent

Have you ever imagined getting a birthday card, Christmas card, or Just Because kind of card in the mail and opened it up to a delicious smell flowing out of the card?  

Would you send a card like this to someone you love?  

Would someone you love enjoy receiving something like this?

How about ordering it from a website by picking your card out, personalizing it, picking out the perfect Scent from Scentsy and then Scentsy addresses it, stamps it, and drops it in the mail for you?????

Scentastically Delightful is what I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Coming March 01, 2012 you will be able to go to my website and order these cards.  

If you aren't sure about them, I will have samples of the cards for you to "see" and "smell".

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